Trustman Art Gallery

The Trustman Gallery will be closed from March 3-7.

2012 Trustman Exhibits

Where We Live

Milo Fay, Eliza Gagnon, Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz

November 13 - December 13

Nature Vive and Nature Morte

Mary Dondero, Constanze Kirmse, Mary O'Malley, Brenda Star

October 9 - November 8

Nona Hershey – Rewired

September 5 - October 4

Dot by Dot

Recent Work by Bob Oppenheim

April 30 - June 1

Love’s Labors

Beth Balliro, Monica Bock, Cynthia Newsome

March 26-April 26, 2012

Passions of the Soul: Stories We Tell Ourselves

Kathleen Bitetti, Rene Lynch, Michelle Muhlbaum, Tabitha Vevers

February 13 - March 22

Annual Student Art Show

Recent works of drawing, painting, bookmaking and photography

January 19 - February 6