Trustman Art Gallery

Collecting & Connecting: Artist Talk with Paola de la Calle

Apr 27, 2022 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us for a virtual artist talk with Colombian-American artist Paola de la Calle! The Simmons University Collection has recently acquired Paola’s exciting and unique textile, Untitled (Nostalgia), through “Collecting & Connecting,” a student-led program designed to diversify the Simmons University Art Collection. Untitled (Nostalgia) includes personal objects and embroidered phrases, such as “IMMIGRANT RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS,” that are central to de la Calle’s identity and lived experiences. Through prints, textiles and collage, de la Calle has explored topics ranging from home and displacement to identity and nostalgia. Hear from her about our newly acquired piece, as well as her work and experience as an artist, followed by an open Q&A.

Visit to learn more about Paola and her work.